Friday, February 16, 2007

in hong kong...

We decided to fly to Hong Kong for a few reasons: we got good tickets and we knew we could get visas and travel vaccinations there. Other than that, we knew little else.

The first day there, we went to the tourist information office and a couple hours later, we were on a free boat tour around Victoria Harbor to view a "360 degree skyline." It was pretty amazing. That evening, we took a tram up to the peak to overlook the harbor. It wasn't hard to find things to enjoy about the city. Over the next few days, we took a guided architecture walk, visited one of the outlying islands, went to the goldfish and flower markets, and walked around a lot. Of course, we also got poked in the arm and sat in line at embassies. But we really enjoyed our time there. Here are a few things we especially enjoyed about Hong Kong:

...the amazing harbor. 800-meter outdoor escalator running downhill in the morning and uphill the rest of the day.
...bamboo used as scaffolding.
...learning that much of the land (including the airport) has been "reclaimed" (i.e., the sea filled in) AND that almost all of the land is government-owned, most of it on 99-year leases.
...diversity (especially compared to Japan).
...the beautiful outlying islands.
...seeing Jesse's cousin who lives in Hong Kong.
...the ferry you can take across the harbor for 25 cents.
...the public service announcements (everything from cover your mouth when you cough to keep your windows in good repair so they don't fall to the street).

Here are a few pictures:

An old boat in the harbor.

The harbor lights viewed from Victoria Peak.

The outdoor escalator.

A fishing village on Lamma Island.

A fruit stand.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The day I took the tram up to Victoria's Peak, it was really foggy so my view was just white. What a good idea to go at night and see the lights!
Thanks for your updates, xo, Rachel