Tuesday, November 14, 2006


November 15th is Shichi-Go-San in Japan, a holiday that honors three, five, and seven-year-old children. Girls who are three and seven, and boys who are five, often dress in traditional clothing and visit shrines with their families in hopes for a long, healthy life. Most families visit a shrine on one of the weekends near November 15th. So last weekend, when Mike, Nicole, Jesse and I were in Tokyo, we stopped by Meiji-Jingu shrine to see the kids dressed up. It's a pretty big deal for the families (and can be a big expense). A lot of my kids are in this age range, so I'm looking forward to seeing pictures that their mothers promised to bring in.

On the left, a five-year-old boy taking pictures of his family. On the right, a seven-year-old girl walking with her father.

A large (for Japan) family all celebrating with their seven-year-old sister/daughter, in the middle.

The weekend before, in Nikko. A seven-year-old girl and her five-year-old brother leave the shrine after a ceremony.

Bonus: There was also a traditional wedding going on at the shrine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What a great post! I love that they celebrate the children at certain ages! How great. I also LOVE the photo with the bride and groom. The bride is beautiful!