Tuesday, July 18, 2006

clothing tags and umbrellas and hobbies

I bought a new pair of pants yesterday, after trying on every pair in the store that didn't have lace or huge holes all over the place. It can be tricky buying pants here. Generally, I hold up a pair of "L" size pants and wonder if I ended up in the kids' section somehow. But I found some. I figured out that I have to go department stores instead of the mall-type stores where I had been looking. After the purchase, I was rewarded by this phrase on the tag: "if you want beauty legs & hip, you just gotta let me know." Weeeellll...I wouldn't mind "beauty legs & hip" but I am not sure these pants will do it for me...

It's been raining pretty heavily today. I work in the city near the airport on Tuesdays and it was pretty busy both when I arrived and when I left. Both times, I saw a whole parade of umbrellas walking from one train station to the other. As people exited the station, I could hear the "huwoop" of the umbrellas popping open...looking down the sidewalk, all I could see were dozens of umbrellas moving as one.

Also today...one of my more creative six-year-olds gave this answer when asked what her hobby is (my voice in italics): "My hobby is read (reading) AND cook (cooking) AND English (yay!) AND eto, eto, nan da ke, eto (flower arranging....), flower arrange. Sore dake. (What's your...) What's your hobby?" I am not sure I have ever heard a six-year-old claim that their hobbies included "cook" and "flower arrange" before! And I have heard about a lot of six-year-old hobbies the last year and a half...


Bekah said...

Yay!! You have a blog... I'll be emailing you SOON, sorry I've been such a slacker. Love you!

Anonymous said...

So good to talk with you this morning/night!! Thanks for sharing your blog! Can't wait to see you ever so soon...let us know about the Packer tickets.
Love you!

Unknown said...

Missy... you have a blog! :-) I just found the link on Bekah's blog. I think of you often. just want you to know that someone in Germany is praying for you. :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Missy,

It was great to read about your experiences in Japan. Mr. A really enjoyed getting to see you during her trip. Thanks for giving us a chance to stay connected. Please give your family our greetings. God's blessings!